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KORG RP-C1 Rimpitch

KORG RP-C1 Rimpitch
772 руб.
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Since the KORG AW-1 appeared, clip-on tuners have been the standard for tuning an acoustic guitar. However, some guitarists may feel that a clip tuner attached to the headstock is too distant from the eye, and that it's annoying to have a tuner attached to the headstock.
KORG has responded by releasing a revolutionary new tuner. The Rimpitch is a unique tuner that you use by attaching it to the sound hole of your acoustic guitar. It provides an incredibly convenient viewing angle, since you can see the tuning meter within the natural angle of your sight. With a compact size, it's visually unobtrusive since it fits inside the guitar's sound hole and besides being easy to fit and remove. You need to check it out!
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Стоимость 772 руб.
Производитель KORG
Модель RP-C1 Rimpitch
О товаре Диаметр отверстия для установки: 100 мм ± 3 мм
Размер: 79 х 32 х 17 мм
Время работы от батареек: приблизительно 12 часов 
Вес: 13 г
Тип: Тюнер 
Строй: 12-нотный равномернотемперированный
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