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Рюкзак Thule EnRoute 2 Triumph 15-inch Black TETD-215

Рюкзак Thule EnRoute 2 Triumph 15-inch Black TETD-215
4940 руб.
Finally switched after ages with my old Timbuk2 and what a difference! I commute by bike, including going to the market, and live up in the hills. It feels like someone is carrying half of the weight for me. I don't know how they do it. I switched because I was encouraged that the messenger bag was no longer a responsible choice for your neck/spine. No doubt about it, they were right. Feels amazing, really well made and great looking. I am buying the larger one too. Can't go wrong.
Sonoma, CA
2016-10-23 Yes
Simple yet advanced

I'm loving this backpack. The quality is very reassuring and stable. Plenty of well thought out pockets and compartments yet stream lined with class. Cheers
Yogi Blair
Sedona, AZ
2016-07-17 BEST THING EVER

It is the most amazing backpack I've ever had. I can carry all my supplies and more along with my glasses because I'm blind. < (0_0)>
blake the soccer player
2016-03-12 Thule EnRoute Triumph 2


Стоимость 4940 руб.
Тип Рюкзак
Производитель Thule
Модель TETD-215
О товаре Размеры- 31 x 29 x 44 см
Отсек для ноутбука- размеры x x см
Вес- кг
Объем- 21 л
Тип- рюкзак для ноутбука
Материал- нейлон
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